In the movies, the prevailing story arc bends toward successful resolution of conflict, usually between "diamonds in the rough". Epiphanies occur, differences get patched, circumstances are dealt with ...
A major issue that arises in the breakup of longterm marriages in Kentucky is that of spousal maintenance, also known commonly as alimony. Attorneys all too frequently present it to clients as an "it ...
A major issue which arises in the dissolution of a longterm marriage in Kentucky is that of spousal maintenance, known otherwise in some other states and in the common culture as alimony. ...
A major issue which arises in the dissolution of a longterm marriage is that of spousal maintenance, otherwise known as alimony. Practitioners of the law all too frequently present it to clients as an ...
A frequent issue that arises in the dissolution of a longterm marriage is that of spousal maintenance. Practitioners of the law all too frequently present it to clients as an "it exists, live with it" ...